Shoulder impingement is also known as Swimmer’s Shoulder, since it’s common in those who dedicate their days doing laps at the pool. However, it’s not restricted to those who spend copious amounts of time freestyling – and other athletes who use their shoulders a lot, such as basketballers, may also experience it.
In medical circles, shoulder impingement is also referred to as rotator cuff tendinitis. This injury occurs when the top outer edge of your shoulder blade rubs against (“impinges on”) or pinches your rotator cuff (the group of muscles and tendons that attach your upper arm bone to your shoulder) beneath it, causing pain and irritation. While it is a relatively common condition, it can be debilitating, with initial symptoms including a reduced range of movement, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation, before gradually worsening over time if left untreated.
At Physio Health Clinic, Andrew’s specialised physiotherapy treatments to address shoulder impingement may include mobilisation and manipulation, massage, rehab, and postural realignment.
If required, he can also advise if a local anesthetic and a cortisone injection in your shoulder to reduce the inflammation is a suitable option.
In instances in which traditional physiotherapy does not resolve the problem, he is qualified to refer you to a surgical opinion.